Blesta Web Installer
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Minimum Requirements
PHP version 7.2.0 or greater is required. Your version: 7.4.28.
The extension 'pdo' is required.
The extension 'pdo_mysql' is required.
The extension 'curl' is required.
The extension 'openssl' is required.
The extension 'ioncube loader' is required. Your version: 11.0.
The config file (/app/config/blesta-new.php) and directory (/app/config/) must be writable by the webserver.
Recommended Requirements
The gd extension is recommended for better image support during PDF generation and internal captcha generation.
The gmp extension is highly recommended for better performance.
The imap extension is required to send and receive mail via SMTP and IMAP.
The libxml extension is highly recommended as it may be required to interface with some systems.
The mailparse extension is required for parsing incoming emails.
The iconv extension is required for special character encoding and decoding.
The mbstring extension is required by some optional features.
For better performance ensure that /app/cache/ is writable by the webserver.
The simplexml extension is highly recommended as it may be required to interface with some systems.
The zlib extension is highly recommend for better performance.
The soap extension is required for automatic VAT tax handling.
Database Information
Haven't created a database yet?
Learn how
Database host
Database port
Database name
Database user
Database password